Our physical posture plays a huge role in first impressions. It affects how we see ourselves & feel about ourselves; how confident and receptive we are. The physical body affects our mind and by shifting our posture we can create changes in our minds & emotions.
’’In an experiment, researchers found that people who have been positioned in a depressed physical posture later appeared to develop helplessness more easily. People who were placed in an upright position were more persistent in completing their tasks and gave up less easily. Another thing they found was that people who were in a more depressed posture reported self-perceptions of greater stress than people who were in a relaxed position. So, not only does your posture influence the way how people think about you and how they see you; it also influences the way you feel and think about yourself.’’
In this 3-part online course, I will teach you the basics of proper posture. In the first session, we will focus on opening up some of the tensions that keep you hunched forward. In the second class, you will understand what makes a good posture, what to look for in your own body, and what to avoid in daily life in order to keep your posture upright. In the last session, we will strengthen the muscles necessary to maintain a good posture throughout your day.
All the sessions are recorded, so if you can not join live you can practice from the recording. The recordings are valid for 1 month, so you have the chance to repeat the classes several times to deepen your understanding of the teachings as well as build your new muscle memories.
Online via Zoom, recordings available for 1 month
Thursdays 10th, 17th & 24th of November 2022
at 6-7 pm (EET)
50€, the invoice will be sent to you once you’ve signed up
via email: kiviluomaeva@gmail.com or from the form below
Welcome good posture & a more confident lifestyle!
See you on the course!
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Earlier Event: November 5
Yoga Wall Special: Niska Special
Later Event: February 16
3-Part Online Course: Explore your breath through Pranayama